How big is my kitchen?

Knowing the correct measurements for your kitchen is essential in creating an environment where you can indulge your ideas and decide on your ideal layout. Let’s look at the main dimensions of the kitchen elements.

How high are base units?
Let’s look at the main dimensions of the kitchen elements.
The standard height of base units, from the ground and excluding counter tops, is around 90 cm. However, there are other variables that can change the unit height depending on different needs:
- plinth height,
- carcass height,
- use or not of the groove element
- worktop thickness (often influenced by the height of the hob).
A standard base unit with groove measures: 12 (plinth) + 72 (carcass) + 3 (groove) + 4 (counter top) = 91 cm
A standard base unit with a 8 cm H plinth with groove measures: 8 (plinth) + 78 (carcass) + 3 (groove) + 4 (counter top) = 93 cm
The suspended base units, with no plinth, allow you to position the base unit (and so, consequently also the wall units) at a height more suitable for your own.
The essential measurements which must be considered are those of the oven, which as standard is housed in a base unit measuring H60 x W60 x D60 (nominal); of the base unit under the sink, which must have enough space to accommodate the sink basin (in both height and width); those of the hob, that can be of different heights depending on type or manufacturer.
Always ensure you know the measurements of the appliance you want to install.

What is the minimum base unit depth?
In general, apart from special cases, the minimum base unit depth for kitchens should never be less than 60 cm:this depth is required to give the minimum clearance space needed for electrical appliances (most importantly ovens and hobs).
Kitchen users often welcome even greater depths because they provide a larger usable surface, making food preparation easier.
Lower depths are allowed only in the absence of household appliances.
In the living area of the kitchen different rules apply.Here depths can vary from 35 cm to an intermediate 45 cm depth.

How much space is needed between a base unit and wall unit?
Wall units are usually fitted 144-146 cm from the ground.
Although there is no fixed rule for the space between a base unit and wall unit, it is usually somewhere between 54 and 65 cm because the distance between a hob and hood must be at least 65 cm.
If you don’t have a hob in the base units below or close by, the distance can be reduced to allow better access to the contents of wall units.

What depth must wall units be?
The depth of the wall units can also be adjusted to fit the kitchen dimensions correctly. They are generally 35 cm deep, but can be modified as needed. For example with a deeper worktop, you can opt for deeper wall units (base units of 75 -80 cm depth with 60 cm deep wall units). The difference between the depth of the wall and base units (on average 24 cm) ensures that you avoid impact with them during food preparation.

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By going to authorized dealers you can design the kitchen using the most suitable shapes for your height and your clothes, evaluating all the options available and getting to the bottom of each component.
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